
Lighttube painting fotografie - 3 veel gemaakte fouten

Lighttube painting photography - 3 common mistakes

Making a light tube painting is a wonderful process. It's much more than pressing the shutter button. You have to make an effort to make the coloring page perfect. And...

Lighttube painting photography - 3 common mistakes

Making a light tube painting is a wonderful process. It's much more than pressing the shutter button. You have to make an effort to make the coloring page perfect. And...

Blijf scherp en voorkom onscherpe foto's

Stay sharp and avoid blurry photos

Blurred photos, every photographer knows it. And sometimes it's really a big frustration. Because how can this happen every time? Why are other people's photos sharp, but mine aren't? Staying...

Stay sharp and avoid blurry photos

Blurred photos, every photographer knows it. And sometimes it's really a big frustration. Because how can this happen every time? Why are other people's photos sharp, but mine aren't? Staying...

Fantasty fotografie met light tubes!

Fantastic photography with light tubes!

Using light tubes to create real art, painting with light, can be done in so many ways. During the workshop last Saturday, we also made a real fantasy photo in...

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Fantastic photography with light tubes!

Using light tubes to create real art, painting with light, can be done in so many ways. During the workshop last Saturday, we also made a real fantasy photo in...

1 comment
Hoe een vonkje echt over kan slaan!

How a spark can really fly!

Sometimes people ask me: what is your best photography workshop or course? A really mega difficult question but at the steel wool workshop I always have a very big smile...

How a spark can really fly!

Sometimes people ask me: what is your best photography workshop or course? A really mega difficult question but at the steel wool workshop I always have a very big smile...

Terug naar de basis: scherptediepte - 3 elementen

Back to basics: depth of field - 3 elements

When it comes to depth of field, we all immediately shout: aperture. After all, aperture simply determines the depth of field... or is it slightly different? Because why is one...


Back to basics: depth of field - 3 elements

When it comes to depth of field, we all immediately shout: aperture. After all, aperture simply determines the depth of field... or is it slightly different? Because why is one...

Scherpstellen op ogen model Upsidedown museum

Back to basics - focusing

In a survey I conducted of a few hundred photographers like you, two things became clear: getting really sharp photos is a problem that many run into. And there is...

Back to basics - focusing

In a survey I conducted of a few hundred photographers like you, two things became clear: getting really sharp photos is a problem that many run into. And there is...